Task is an actionable activity which needs to be completed by the users.
It lists the performance determine & report lists the persons who have been issued a taskbook by position .
Daily activities along with the tasks can be created & assigned here.
Task Books allow you to enter tasks and procedures for common reactive and routine maintenance so you can easily add them to task or schedules. Steps:
Go to the Menu List
Click on the Workspace Module, then click to the Taskbook tab.
1. Created By Me:
In the Created by me tab, task which is created by session user will be visible under this tab.
User can create the task and assign to any user of their organisation.
Also they can see project wise task count based on the smart filter.
For creating new task click on the New Task button and form will shown in the below image:
Enter the required details. Projects/Products: Select project name.(only active project will be visible) Task title: A task is an actionable unit or activity which needs to be completed.Enter the task tittle. Assigned To: Select assigned to whom. Assigned By: Select assigned by name. Time Allocation: Enter the estimated required time to complete the task. Due Date: The due date of the project i.e. the Expired date of the project can be selected. Select due date. Estimated start date: You can enter the date on which you expect the Task to be started. Select estimated date.
After filling all the mandatory fields click on the Submit button. On click of submit, reports will be added successfully.
Also we can provide additional option while creating new task. Milestone: A particular task is a Milestone in a Project..Select milestone from dropdown. Task Parent: To show the dependency between to task, select parent task for the new task. Priority: Select priority based on the task. Difficulty: Select difficulty level of the task. Category: Enter task category Tags: Enter tag (if any) Description: You can add a description of the task here.Add description if required.
After addinng task user can view the task using View Task icon.
2. Open:
The task plan for today is added to the open tab so that the user can work on it and finish it by end of the day (EOD).
Task which are created under Open tab will be by default in the New state.
To update the task details, click on the Edit Task.
To view the task details, click on the View Task.
To activate the created task, click on the Accept Task icon.
3. Active:
In the Active tab, tasks with the status Active, Pending, Redo, or At Risk will be shown.
In this tab only task which are assigned to session user will be shown under active tab, so that user can work on the task and update timelog accordingly.
To view the task details, click on the View Task.
When user finish the task, the task needs to be submitted to the project manager for approval. To do this, click the Complete task icon.
For entering timelog, click on Add timelog icon, enter start time and end time of the task then click on the Submit button.
below is the screenshot for how to add timelog for the task: .
4. Pending:
Pending tab where a task that was initially pending (waiting to be completed) is now being categorized as "at risk" due to the difficulty level of the task.
Task that are in higher level of uncertainty, potential challenges, or likelihood of negative outcomes will be move to At-Risk tab.
To view the task details, click on the View Task.
To mark any task as at risk, click on the At Risk icon then add comment if required and submit the form.
5. At Risk:
Tasks which are considered as "at risk" due to various factors that might hinder their successful completion or lead to project delays, budget overruns, or other issues will be visible under this tab.
On click of the View task task icon, users can View task details.
6. Pending Approval:
Task which are completed by the project member's will be come under this tab for approval of the task.
Project manager will look into the task and accordignly set the status of the task as Close Task if task is completed, otherwise marked as Redo it means task not completed as per requirement.
7. History:
Task which are approved by project manager will be comes under the History tab.