HR Leaves
- HR can manage each type of leave for an employee in Leaves.
- The number and type of leaves an Employee can apply is controlled by Leave Allocation.
- We can create Leave Allocation for a Leave Period based on the Company's Leave Policy.
- We can also allocate Additional Leaves to your employees and generate reports to track leaves taken by Employees.
- Go to the Menu List
- Click on HR Module
- Then Go to the HR Leaves tab.
- HR Leave dashboard will be shown as below
HR Leaves Rule
- A leave Rule sets out the various types of leaves for different situations like a vacation, sickness, maternity etc.
Steps - Go to the Menu List
- Click on HR Module
- Then Go to the HR Leaves tab.
- Click on Leaves Rules.
- Click on New rule leave Leave Rule form will get open as per the below image.
- Enter all required details.
1.Rule Title: Enter the Rule Title.
2.Casual Leaves: You can avail of this leave to take care of urgent and unseen matters. Enter the Casual Leaves.
3.Personal Leaves: time that you are allowed to take off work for personal reasons, for example if a member of your family is ill.Enter the Personal Leaves.
4.Medical Leaves: You can avail of these leaves if you are unwell. Enter the medical Leaves.
5.Privilege Leave: These are like earned leaves that can be availed for travel, family vacation, and so on. Enter the Privilege Leaves
6.Earned Leave: Earned Leaves are leaves earned by an Employee after working with the company for a certain amount of time. Enter the Earned Leaves
7.Sick Leave: You can avail of these leaves if you are unwell. Enter the Sick Leaves
8.Maternity Leave: Maternity leave is paid by employers to their expectant or newly-delivered women employees. Enter the Maternity Leaves
9.Marriage Leave: Marriage Leave means leave to be granted without any loss of wages to an employee on the occasion of his or her wedding. Enter the Marriage Leaves
10.Paternity Leave: Paternity leave is an employee benefit granted to expectant husbands, partners of pregnant women, surrogate fathers, or a person matched with a child for adoption. Enter the Paternity Leaves
11.Bereavement Leave:Bereavement leave is time off granted to an employee in the event that a loved one passes away. Enter the Bereavement Leaves
12.Sabbatical Leave: Sabbatical leave is an extended period of time away from work granted to an employee for a variety of reasons, including personal reasons, professional and educational growth, learning and developing new skills, or rest and recovery. Enter the Sabbatical Leaves
13.Special Leave: a period of time that someone is allowed to be away from work for a particular reason, for example because a family member is ill or has died. Enter the Special Leaves
14.Compensatory Off: These are compensatory leaves allotted to employees for overtime work. Enter the Compensatory Off Leaves
15.Loss of Pay: Enter the Loss of Pay.
16.Monthly credit: Enter the Monthly credit. - After filling all the mandatory fields click on the Submit button. On click of save, the reports will be added.
- Added Leave are displayed in Reports as shown in the below image.
- On click of the View icon, users can view Leave Rule details.
On click of the Edit icon, users can Edit Leave Rule details.
HR Leaves Allocation
- Leave Allocation enables you to allocate a specific number of leaves of a particular type to an Employee.
- The number and type of leaves an employee can apply for are governed by the leave allotment.
- We can create leave allocations for the leave period based on the leave policy of the company.
Click on HR Leave
- Click onHR Leave Allocation page will be displayed as per the below image.
- Leave Allocation are displayed in Reports as shown in the below image.
- On click of the View leave allocation icon, users can view Leave allocation details.
- On click of the view staff details icon, users can view staff details.
HR Leaves Summary
- We can access each employee's Leaves monthly in the HR Leave Summary.
- The HR Leave Summary gives us access to each employee's yearly present and previous leaves.
Steps - Click on HR Leave
- Click onHR Leave Summary
- Leave Summary will be displayed as per the below image.
- After filling all the mandatory field click on the Load Button On click of Load , the Leave summary will be displayed.