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The Budget module helps to plan and control the finances by setting financial goals and monitoring expenses against predefined budgets. It ensures financial stability and enables informed decision-making to achieve organizational objectives.



  1. Click on left side Menu List
  2. Click on Accounts
  3. Click on Budget tab.

Enter all the required details in Add account Budget:-

  1. Profile ID - Select profile from the dropdown list
  2. Lead ID - Enter the lead ID
  3. Account ID - Enter the Account ID
  4. Narration - Enter narration
  5. Due Date - Select the date from the calendar
  6. Nature - Select the nature from the dropdown list Credit/Debit
  7. Instrument type - Enter an instrument type
  8. Instrument details - Enter instrument details
  9. Status - Select the status from the dropdown list
  10. Amount - Enter an amount
  11. Proposed By - Select the proposed by from the dropdown list
  12. Blocked - Select the Blocked from the dropdown list True/False

1) Info view:-

2) Edit Budget:-

3) Approve mark:-

Archieve Tab:-

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