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Petty Cash

The Petty cash module simplifies managing small cash expenses, like buying office supplies, by tracking transactions and ensuring accurate reimbursements, making financial management more efficient.



  1. Click on left side Menu List
  2. Click on Accounts
  3. Click on Petty Cash tab.

Current Pettycash:-

Enter all the required details in Add Pettycash:-

  1. Profile ID - Select the profile from the dropdown list
  2. Subject - Enter the Subject of the Pettycash
  3. Dated - Select the date from calendar
  4. Nature - Select the nature from the dropdown list credit/debit
  5. Amount - Enter an amount
  6. Proposed By - Select the proposed by from the dropdown list
  7. Attachment - Attach a file or an image

1) Info view:-

2) Edit Pettycash:-

3) To Approve:-

Approved Pettycash:-

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