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Users can create marketing campaigns within the ERP system. This includes defining campaign parameters such as campaign name, start and end dates, target market segments, and messaging.



  • Go to Marketing Module.
  • Click on Campaign.
  • Campaign module will be shown as below :

    Campaigns Tab:-

    When you click on the Campaign module, a list of campaigns appears in the Campaigns tab:

  • In Campaigns tab,new Campaigns can be created by clicking on "Create Campaign" button.
  • The Add Campaign form will be popped up as shown below :

  • Enter the details in the Add Campaign form such as:
    Campaign Name : Enter the name of the campaign.
    Segment : Enter the segment name.
    Engine : Select the engine.
    Template : Select the Template.
    Start Date : Enter the start date of the campaign.
    End Date : Enter the end date of the campaign.
    Subject : Enter the subject name.
    Description : Enter the description of the campaign.
    Submit button : Submit button to save the created campaign.
    Cancel button : Cancel button to close the form.

  • Click on "Run Campaign" button to run all the active campaigns.
  • To view the added campaign, click on "View Campaign" icon.
  • To edit the added campaign, click on "Edit Campaign" icon.
  • To start the added campaign, click on "Start Campaign" icon.
  • To clone the added campaign, click on "Clone Campaign" icon.

    Audience Tab:-

    Once you click on the Campaign module, you will see the Campaigns tab displaying the list of campaigns on your screen as follows :

  • To add new Segment, Click on "+ Segment " button.
  • A Pop up to add new segment will be shown as follows :

  • Click on "Import CSV" button to Import bulk contacts in Segments.
  • A Pop up to Import Contacts will be Shown on your screen as follows:

  • Click on "Import From Profile" button to import contacts from profile.
  • A Pop up showing the contacts list will be shown on your screen.
  • Select the contacts you want to add and click on "Add In Audience" button to add the contacts.
  • Added contacts will be displayed in the Audience List.
  • Select the contacts from the audience list you want to add to the segment / Remove from the segment.

    To Add Contacts to the Segment:
  • Once you Click on "Add to Segment" button, A segment List drop down will be popped up on your screen.
  • Select the Segment in which you want to add your contacts, then click on "Submit" button.

    To Remove Contacts from the Segment:
  • Similarly, if you want to remove contacts from Segment, select the contacts and Click on "Remove From Segment" button.
  • Select the Segment from the drop down from which you want to remove the contacts, then click on "Submit" button.
  • If you want to view the contacts of a specific segment, simply click on the segment name and the corresponding contact list will appear:

    Templates Tab:-

    Within the Templates tab, it is possible to generate fresh templates for Engines.

    To Create New Template :
  • Click on "+ Template" button.

  • Then a pop up for creating New Template will be displayed.

  • Make sure to follow the proper format for adding a new template. The correct format is "Engine Name.Template Name".

  • The template can be accessed by clicking on it in the respective engine folder.
  • The template that you have selected will be loaded in the template tab.
  • In the About tab, you can view the properties and other information related to the selected template.

  • Transform the template of your choosing with ease by accessing the editor tab.

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