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  1. Click on the left side Menu List
  2. Click on Front Desk
  3. Click on the Post Box tab.
  4. Postbox dashboard will be shown as below image:


Click on the +Inward form to open it as per the below image.

  • For search Postbox , Inward info form will open as per the below image.

    Enter all required details:-
    1.Subject: Enter the subject name.
    2.Incoming date:Select the incoming date.
    3.Sender: Select the sender name using dropdown list.
    4.Receiver:Select the Receiver name using dropdown list.
    5.Type Of Attachment: Select the attachment using dropdown list.
    6.Flags: select the flags name using dropdown list.
    7.Status: Select the status name using dropdown list.
    8.Tags: Enter the tags.
    9.Long Description:Enter the long Description.
  • After filling all the mandatory fields click on the Submit button. On click of submit, reports will be added successfully.

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