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Inventory & Assets

  • Inventory manager, a element of the supply chain, is the tracking of inventory from manufacturers to warehouses and from these facilities to a point of sale.
  • The goal of inventory manager is to have the right products in the right place at the right time.


  • Click on left side Menu List
  • Click on Inventory & Assets
  • Click on Inventory Manager tab.
  • Inventory Manager's dashboard will be shown as below image:

Inventory Manager:-


  • Click on Inventory & Assets tab
  • Click on Inventory Manager tab
  • Click on + Register Inventory
  • Inventory Manager's Register will be shown as below image:

  • Click on the + Register Inventory button Click on the Info tab

* Enter all required details.
1.Item master /Product: Select the Item master/ Product name using dropdown.
2.Serial No : Enter Serial no.
3.Product Quantity : Select product quantity using dropdown.
4.Available Quantity: Select available quantity using dropdown.
5.Cost Price: Select cost price using dropdown.
6.Sales price : Select sales price using dropdown.
7.Discount: Select the discount using dropdown.
8.Purchase code: Enter the purchase code.
9.Manufacture Date: Enter the manufacture date.
10.Expiry Date: Enter the Expiry date.
11.Location: Select the location using dropdown.

  • Click on the + Inventory Register button
  • In below, Click on theWarranty tab

* Enter all required details.
1.Warranty type : Select the warranty type using dropdown.
2.Warranty period(In Month): Enter Warranty (In Month)
3.Warranty Terms: Select Warranty Terms using dropdown.

  • Click on the +Inventory Register button In below, Click on the Others tab

* Enter all required details.
1.Delivery Mode: Select the Delivery mode using dropdown.
2.Tags: Enter the tags
3.Remarks: Enter the Remarks.

  • After filling all the mandatory fields click on the Submit button. On click of submit, the Product will be added successfully.

Available Inventory Tab:


  • Click on Inventory Manager tab
  • Click on Available Inventory Tab
  • Click on the Available inventory tab, reports will open as per the below image.

  • Select the tab available inventory after filling out all of the needed fields.
  • The Item master/Product Report successfully display the avilable inventory.
  • After clicking the checkbox, the user can transfer an inventory record by clicking the in transit icon button on the transfer In Transit tab.

  • On click of the View icon, users can View Inventory master details.
  • On click of the Edit icon, users can Edit Inventory master details.

In Transit Tab:-


  • Click on Inventory Manager tab
  • Click on In Transit Tab
  • Click on the In Transit tab, reports will open as per the below image.

  • Select the In Transit tab after filling out all of the needed fields.
  • The Item master/Product Report successfully display the In Transit inventory.
  • On click of the Receive Transfer icon, users can receive transfer details.
  • On click of the Track Inventory icon, users can track inventory details.

More-Written off Tab:

  • Click on Inventory Manager tab
  • Click on More-Written off Tab
  • Click on the More-Written off tab, reports will open as per the below image.

  • On click of the View Write of items icon, users can write of items details.
  • Select the more tab after filling out all of the needed fields. The Item master/Product Report successfully display the In Transit inventory.
  • After clicking the checkbox, the user can transfer an inventory record by clicking the Writeoff icon button on the transfer More - Written off tab.

    History Tab :

  • Click on Inventory Manager tab
  • Click on History Tab
  • History tab gives the view of Previous Records that are already existing.
  • One can view all data of Projects that are present & available.
  • Inventory and Spare which are closed will get stored in the History tab.
  • On click of the Inventory history icon, users can view history details.

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