
We will do our best to assist you with any issues


  • Customers are leads who have been successfully converted. This means they have taken the desired action, such as making a purchase, signing a contract, or subscribing to a service.


  • Goto the CRM.
  • Then Go to the Customers Module.

  • After clicking on Customers module, as shown in below image.
  • For creating customer please follow the below step:
    Step - Click on the +Customer button, customer creation form will get open as shown in the below image.

    Enter the required details.

  • Name: Enter the customer name.
  • Partner: Select customer partner name using dropdown.
  • Category: Select customer category using dropdown.
  • Email: Enter the customer's email id.
  • Mobile: Enter the customer's contact number.
  • PAN No.: Enter the customer PAN number.
  • GST No.: Enter the customer GST number.
  • Assigned To: Choose the name of the staff to whom the customer is assign.
  • Client CRN: Enter the customer CRN number.

    Additional details can be add while creating customer:

  • Alternate Email: Enter the customer's alternate email id.
  • Phone: Enter the customer's alternate contact number.
  • Demography: Select customer demography using dropdown.
  • Website: Enter the URL if the customer's website is present.
  • Owner: Enter the owner name of the company.
  • DOB: Specify the date of birth of the customer.
  • Blood Group: Select customer blood group using dropdown.
  • Fax: Enter the customer Fax.
  • Tags: Enter the tags.
  • Remarks: Enter the Remarks.
  • After adding customer user can edit or update customer details using pencil icon.
  • To view the customer details click on the Eye icon.
  • In address tab, the user can enter multiple address types.
  • Add multiple company people under the contacts tab.

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