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Steps to Create New Course:

Steps: Click on Header menu Courses ⟶ Create New Course

  • After clicking on Create New Course form will get open as per below image

  • While creating a new course, we need to fill all mandatory fields.
  • For Info tab Description of the fields is as below.
    • Course Title: Enter the course title
    • Course code: Enter the course code
    • Stream: Select stream from dropdown
    • Course Type: Select course type from dropdown
    • Course Duration: Enter the course Duration
    • Course Duration In: Select duration Unit from dropdown
  • Click on Ecommerce Tab and enter course price
  • Click on Graphics Tab and upload image related to course
  • Click on Description Tab and enter the short description related to course (All fields are compulsory.)
  • After filling all the mandatory fields click on the Submit button. On click submit button course will be created successfully
  • Created course is displayed in Reports as shown in below image

  • Newly created courses is displayed in report in red color because they are not published

Note*: Courses should be publish to make them available in the frontend (academy)

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