
We will do our best to assist you with any issues


This issue occurs because the Qpaper was attached multiple times. To resolve this, navigate to the specific question paper under the Tests tab and click the "Remove Paper" button.                                                
Your progress is automatically tracked. You can view it in the course section of your tracker tab.                                                
You can log in to your account and select 'My Courses' to view your allocated courses.                                                
The course might have an end date set to 2024-04-25, which is why it's no longer available on your dashboard. Please check the course tracker and student courses tabs for more details.                                                
The limit record needs to be set to 5000 before exporting the sheet.                                                
If you are unable to find the required department, you\'ll have to navigate to setup and create the department                                                
The course may have expired, which is why the user is unable to see it. Please check the course\'s expiration date and ensure it is still active.                                                
Inactive tests (caused by issues such as peeping, internet problems, or other reasons) will reappear after 6 hours. The admin can then delete these inactive tests, making the exam available to users again.                                                
Ensure that the options were added in the predefined format along with the rules. Reupload the question sheet and attach it again. The options should now be visible in the exam.                                                
Ensure that the category specified in the question paper matches the category of the course.