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AMC Manager

  • AMC is a contractual agreement between a service provider (usually an organization or individual) and a customer.
  • AMC is to provide maintenance and support services for a product or system over a specified period, usually one year.
  • AMCs are common in various industries, including IT, manufacturing, and facilities management, and they ensure that the customer's equipment or systems continue to function properly.
  • Goto the Workspace then click on the AMC Manager

    1. Active AMC:

  • AMC projects which are active will displayed under this tab,default status of the amc is On Track
  • All the newly created amc will have one auto generated task which is created by system will be visible in the project.
  • For all amc project we can create task and assign to the users.

  • To add new AMC, Click on the +New AMC button, project creation form will get open as shown in the below image:

Enter the required details.

  1. AMC Name: Enter title of the amc Project Name.
  2. AMC Group: Enter the amc Group Name.
  3. AMC Master: Select the level of amc from the dropdown.
  4. AMC Year: Mention the year of amc project
  5. AMC Engagement model: Select the engagement model that defines the relationship between the client and the development team.
  6. Owner: Select the owner for amc project.
  7. Manager: Select manager for amc project.
  8. Start Date: Select the start date of the amc project
  9. Due Date: Select the estimated due date of the amc project so that before project deactivation user will notify for renewal of the project.
  10. End Date: Select closure date of the project.

    Additional details can be add while creating new project:

  11. Head: Select head of the project.
  12. Code No: Enter project code (if any)
  13. Stakeholders: Enter the name of stakeholders
  14. Project Description: Describe the project in brief.
  15. Order: Select the related order (if any)
  • To view amc details, click on the View AMC icon.
  • To update amc details, click on the Edit AMC icon.

    2. To Renew Reminder:

  • The projects whose due dates are about to expire will be shown on this renew tab.
  • To view amc details, click on the View AMC icon.

    3. Deactivated AMC:

  • If due date of the amc project is crossed then the project will be displayed in this tab.
  • User can either actiavte an amc or close amc.

  • When the user activates an AMC, most recent AMC will be moved to the "Active AMC" tab and the older ones will be moved to the "history" tab.
  • To update/activate the amc:
  • Click on the Active AMC icon,update form will be displayed
  • Enter the required details and submit the form.
  • To view amc details, click on the View AMC icon.
  • To activate an amc project, click on the Active AMC icon.
  • To close amc project, click on the Close AMC icon.

    4. Closed:

  • Closed/deactive amc will be displayed here.
  • To view amc details, click on the View AMC icon.

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